As we know, some somehow found a way to blame any and all shortcomings of black communities on the oppression and marginalization of our ancestors. With such ideas afloat within black communities, naturally, ridiculous claims arose from them such as “America is a racist country” and “all white people are inherently racist”. It seems to me that in the last decade or so, the black man has pointed the finger at the white man, in accusation of systematic hindrances that have solely contributed to the downfall of black America. Which of course, is a complete farce. As the age-old adage goes, Always remember that when you're pointing your finger at someone, you've got three pointing back at yourself. The black man in America has done an extraordinary thing in that he has aided and abetted in the utter demise of the black family unit over the decades while shamelessly evading responsibility and throwing the blame on the white man.
“Liberals have wrecked more havoc on blacks than the supposed legacy of slavery they talk about” - Thomas Sowell
While I can’t say that there have not been instances in history where the odds may have been against black individuals, what I can say is that regardless of any walls blocking our path, we have not only broken them down but gone on to defy all odds. There was hard work done during slavery and the abolitionist movement, battles fought during the Civil War, history made during the Civil Rights Movement, and odds defied with the flourishment of successive black individuals, all leading black America into a future of prosperity and harmony. So why do there seem to be limits on the black race in America? While there may be many answers to this question, some lacking validity and others being the truth, What needs to be constantly highlighted is the counterproductive behavior from within “The community” itself.
In the early 1960s, around 100 years after slavery ended, around 22 % of black children came from a single-parent household, which means that 4 out of 5 black children lived in a two-parent household. Housing projects during this time were not crime-ridden murder yards with a thick cloud of despair over them. Fast forward about 30 years or so and the number of black children living in a single-parent household (mostly fatherless) has more than tripled, Housing projects are now ghetto wonderlands from hell and yet somehow it is America’s fault not black individuals.
The picture of the black family is destroyed post-Jim Crow era. A slap in the face to those who fought hard on our behalf. Falling into the great trap The Welfare State (which I will touch on in-depth in part 2), Black men were able to absolve themselves from their duty as men and as fathers. With Black men evading the responsibility to take care of their young and with an exceedingly growing secular culture, Black communities have been handicapped decade after decade.
There seems to always be chatter filling the air about what exactly handicaps black communities in America however, none of which contains information that holds a mirror to the ethical and moral behavior of black communities over the decades. How come there are always arguments that there are racial disparities in the justice system with the US population being roughly 13% Black yet the black incarceration rate being at around 37%, well let’s look at a few things. FBI reports show that in 2019, over half of the murder crimes committed in the US were by Black Americans. Thats just for murder, yet blacks average high percentage rates across the board for many crimes including robbery, prostitution, and drug-related crimes. Sure, there is racial disparity in the justice system but the matching racial disparity in the crime rates doesn’t mean a thing I suppose, it’s all due to the corrupt system we live in.
Author Coleman Hughes details a story in his (brilliant) book The End Of Race Politics, where the city of Chicago implemented an automated system of traffic cameras monitoring motorists and issuing tickets to those who committed violations. The systems proved to be effective in their elimination of racial bias being in question as they would during a routine traffic stop that has led to violent encounters. However, because there seemed to be a racial disparity on the part of black and Hispanic drivers, some called for the system to be dismantled on the grounds that inequities were baked into the system. So instead of accepting that black and Hispanic drivers were in fact engaging in more criminal behavior and having that behavior properly addressed, many played the “woe is me” card and blamed it along with many other self-inflicted issues, on simply being black in America.
It’s the circle of life when it comes to the troubles that plague black communities. As of 2022, Black American children living in a single-parent home stood at a whopping 63%. That’s higher than any other racial group in America, and this is the lowest it has been in a decade. This isn’t trivial information either. Studies show that children (especially young men) raised in single-parent households are much more likely to engage in criminal behavior. Teens who are raised in a fatherless household are twice as likely to drop out of school. Young girls raised without a father are six times more likely to become teen moms. All of the issues highlighted feed right back into the loop of broken families and welfare dependency.
There is a clear lack of moral values and principles amongst some black communities. This is why conservatives care so much about certain issues that one on the left may find to be “Old Fashioned” or “Preachy” yet there is something to it that can’t be ignored. There are those today who liken the fight of blacks in America today to the fight of our great heroes of the civil rights movement. Which is invalid. The black family unit was together during Jim Crow. There was dignity in the strives being made. Not sheer terror and violence against our fellow man both white and black.
It’s also worth noting that the culture celebrated by black communities does nothing but perpetuate the type of immoral behavior that seeps its way into reality. Rappers with vulgar lyrics on how they sleep with different women, how they have several “baby mamas”, or how they deal with or do drugs. You have the modern black pop star doing nothing but wearing as little as possible, twerking, and calling men worthless. Every time you turn around there is another Movie, TV show, or Book that instead of focusing on an uplifting story of blackness in America, is just another soap opera drama of the oppression experienced by ancestors or modern-day hyperbolic tales of invalid claims of injustice and inequities. This does nothing to help anyone. Yet somehow we rush to the movies to see another slave movie to “support our people” We allow our kids to idolize people like Cardi B and the like. Where do we think we are going with this? Surely not into the future, or at least one that holds the possibility for a new world in black America.
Why do I bring this up? To paint Black America as nothing but criminal monsters who can’t take care of their young and uphold secular culture? Absolutely not, I do so because we have to wake up from the lies that have been fed to us and stand up for the truth. Due to the welfare state and the blind voting patterns of black America, we have found ourselves in a true “The call is coming from inside the house” situation. The issues highlighted above are just the tip of the iceberg. In part 2 I will dive further into how the welfare state has been one of the biggest influential factors in the destruction of the black family unit and how it aids in many troubles plaguing black communities today.
Interesting perspective on a sensitive issue. I enjoyed the comparison between then and now and your writing style. Love “When a Stranger Calls” quote. Looking forward to part 2.